ImageAPI A non writing image manipulation API for Drupal. This API is meant to be used in place of the API provided by You probably do not need to install this module unless another module are you using requires it. It provides no new features to your drupal site. It only provides an API other modules can leverage. Changes From API: - Images are objects. - Images are not written on each image operation and must be explicitly closed when processing is complete. - Multiple Image ToolKits can be used simultaneously. However, only the image toolkit and image was opened with can be used to process it. This is hidden in the imageapi layer. API Quick Reference: imageapi_image_scale_and_crop($image, $width, $height) imageapi_image_scale($image, $width, $height, $upscale = FALSE) imageapi_image_resize($image, $width, $height) imageapi_image_rotate($image, $degrees, $bgcolor = 0x000000) imageapi_image_crop($image, $x, $y, $width, $height) imageapi_image_desaturate($image) imageapi_image_open($file, $toolkit = FALSE) imageapi_image_close($image, $destination) $image is an image object returned from imageapi_image_open(); Expanding ImageAPI: If you wish to expand on ImageAPI add a new wrapper function to imageapi.module. Do any common preprocessing for all underlying layers in the wrapper function, then invoke the driver. Pay heed to the function naming in ImageAPI and ImageAPI GD. If the toolkit changes the size of an image it must update the $image->info['width'] and $image->info['height'] variables. All ToolKit functions should return TRUE on success and FALSE on failure. For more detailed documentation read imageapi.module. -dopry